Posted by: pt2usa | September 29, 2009

DAYS 42-44 – Headed Home!

( TOTAL MILAGE – 10,062)

 On Friday morning we headed for Dayton, Ohio to see very close friends, Bob & Carol Bedore.  We had a wonderful time talking and laughing & Patti took them for close to $1.20 when we played cards that night.   On Saturday we went to our old home town of Wintersville, Ohio.   Had a great visit with Patti’s brother Bob & his wife Sandi – and even had ribs at the best rib place in the world – DeeJay’s.  Sunday we headed for home.

 We are so thankful to have had the chance for this wonderful experience.  Special thanks to our Daughters, son-in-laws & grandchildren for taking care of everything while we were gone – couldn’t have done it without you!

 Below is our final list of stops – close, but not exactly as planned.


A quick shot at the Arch as we head through St. Louis.

A quick shot at the Arch as we head through St. Louis.Tom's boyhood home - Terra Haute, IN - What no Plaque??


Back to the Buckey State

Back to the Buckey State

The Ribs are the BEST

The Ribs are the BEST

Mass at Blessed Sacrement in Wintersville - I remember my dad makingtheis cross when I was about 5 years old.

Mass at Blessed Sacrement in Wintersville - I remember my dad making this cross when I was about 5 years old.

Home again - where is that California sunshine?

Home again - where is that California sunshine?

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